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This page is dedicated to all of the "old" Mainframe Systems Programmers who have been my colleagues and friends over the past 20+ years.  Especially Marc Reibstein,  Blair "Sunshine" Meglathery (You old curmudgeon!), Mike Liberatore, Larry Trincia, Ray Perri and John Wood.  If you can't identify all of the stuff on this page, then you're still a rookie and you are not eligible for admittance to the "Home for Old Systems Programmers".  Most Systems Programmers (Blair) have the disposition of really angry Pit Bulls!

Typical comments from seasoned Systems Programmers passed to garden variety applications programmers or programmer analysts might be as follows:

"You want to do what?"

"Are you stupid or something?"

"Sit down before I knock you down . . . and shut up!"
(Courtesy Blair Meglathery)

"Get out of my office and don't ever come back!"

"When they reached in the gene pool for you, it must have been the shallow end."
(Courtesy Marc Reibstein)

I found most of the things on this page while cleaning out old boxes from a hallway closet in my home.  Look at the dates on some of the quick reference cards.  A large part of these artifacts date back to the 1970's.  All of the black and white photographs are courtesy International Business Machines, Corp. (IBM).

Old Systems Programmer
Click on any thumbnail image to view a larger image.  Some are quite large.  You can see the estimated image size by placing your mouse pointer over any thumbnail image.

208_AB.jpg (81937 bytes)2314 Qref.jpg (431875 bytes)360 Qref.jpg (852849 bytes)370 Console.jpg (83795 bytes)370 Qref.jpg (855070 bytes)

3780 Comm Terminal.jpg (175514 bytes)80 Col Card.jpg (228602 bytes)Assembler Pad.jpg (961070 bytes)Card Reader Punch.jpg (90958 bytes)CICS 1.5 MTQref.jpg (690796 bytes)

Data Cell.jpg (61066 bytes)Datarace VM-II.jpg (122536 bytes)Disk Storage.jpg (172935 bytes)Flow Tamplate.jpg (282236 bytes)Line Printer.jpg (67907 bytes)

Mag Drum.jpg (60180 bytes)MICR.jpg (100945 bytes)OCR.jpg (78033 bytes)OS-VS2 Flow.jpg (715028 bytes)Paper Tape Reader.jpg (92023 bytes)

Printer Panel.jpg (269609 bytes)A bottle of Jonnie Black and a thousand cigarettes will get a Systems Programmer through the night . . .


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Page design, composition and HTML by Marc Niegowski
Copyright © 1998-2012, Marc Niegowski - Connectivity, Inc., All Rights Reserved
23 W. Fourth Street • Media • Pennsylvania • 19063-2805 • USA
Phone: 610-566-0227 • Fax: 610-566-0641 • Email: Marc@Tech-Center.com

Revision Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 10:00:33 AM